Uniform T-shirts & Gym strip information

Hello parents/guardians:

First I’d like to thank you for your patience during our uniform changes.  I’ve had a number of students asking about what they can wear.  Please click here to review the school uniform guidelines. All students must wear navy bottoms: skirt, skort, jumper, dress pants or walking shorts. They are NOT allowed to wear jeans, sweat pants, yoga pants, track pants, leggings or tights. Girls may wear leggings under a skirt or shorts ONLY.

If you have not received your uniform yet, please ensure your child wears a plain t-shirt (preferably grey or white – no logos or prints).

Just to help clarify when to wear the different t-shirts and gym strip:
–   Polo shirts – Fridays, field trips & assembly days (if they want to wear the polo everyday, they can)
–   T-shirt with small tree logo on right hand – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

T-shirts with the large jaguar logo & shorts can ONLY be worn for gym.  Students CANNOT wear their gym strip to school (even if they have gym first thing in the morning). There are boys change rooms and girls change rooms for students to be able to change into their gym strip.

Hope this helps to clear up any confusion.
Thank you